The Homeland Day in Argentina

May 25th, 1810 was a milestone in Argentine history.
When we refer to this date as a milestone, we imply that what happened was a very important event in the development or history of something; in this case, our country.  Another word for this is a turning point. The turning point in our history was when the people decided that we’d had enough as a Spanish colony, and the first revolution took place. The viceroy was deposed and the time came for the First Government Assembly, which was mostly composed of criollos.
This word, criollo, has not the same meaning as creole. If we look up the word creole, we find different definitions:
1) A language: a mixture or combination between the African and European languages.
2) Someone related to the first Europeans who came to the Caribbean or the southern US; or a person of mixed African and European origin who speaks Creole.
Patriotic is another word that comes to mind on a date like this. It means showing love for your country and being proud of it. May, 25th in Argentina is a patriotic day, the day of the first revolution, the so-called Homeland or Fatherland day.
